was a buzz of last minute excitement. Presents were being wrapped (Robin wondered what all the packages his mother had placed under the tree contained), and final cleaning was complete. It was still only early afternoon, but already Evelyn Wilkes was insisting on them getting ready.

"Come on, Robin, time to shower and start getting dressed."

"Dressed? I am dressed." he replied, wondering why the sweatpants and T-shirt he had on wasn't considered 'dressed'.

"Robin!" his mother spoke giving him that 'get serious' look. "Your sister has been away from home for four months, the least we can do to show her how important it is to us to have her back, is to dress and look as nice as possible."

"Well, what shall I wear?" Robin replied, thinking about his 'vast' selection of jeans and T-shirts.

"I've looked at that mess you call your wardrobe and condemned the works. I think I can find you a nice sweater, some slacks and shoes for tonight. It's really quite an embarrassment for a 'dress designer' to be the owner of such a dismal personal wardrobe."

"Oh, Mom, I never go anywhere where I need anything more."

"Well, it's time you thought about clothes a little more. I'd like you to mind the shop when I have to get out during the day. You would scare away customers if you dressed like some janitor."

"Now come on and take a shower," she instructed, "I'll get you something civilized to wear in the meantime."

Robin shrugged his shoulders and headed up to the bedroom. Soon he was soaping up in the warm water. He shampooed and conditioned his hair as was now his routine. Long hair sure took more attention than short hair. He towelled off, wrapped a large bath towel around himself (without thinking he wrapped it as a woman would, that is, under the armpits like a short dress), another smaller towel turban-style around his head, and returning to his bedroom, he found his 'loaner clothes' laid out on the bed!


Strange, even though he secretly anticipated finding some of his mother's clothes on the bed, he couldn't place having seen any of these before. In fact, he couldn't imagine his mother wearing those kinds of pants. Black leather! The sweater was a brilliant green and red scoop neck with padded shoulders and short puff sleeves. They looked, no, they were, brand new! That wasn't all! Beside the sweater and leather pants were a complete set of black lace underclothes, including bikini panties, matching bra, camisole and pantihose and brand new shoes. These were black lacquer pumps with two-inch heels!

These clothes had to be presents for his sister. That was it. As he was about turn to find his mother and ask why they were in his room, he was startled to hear her voice from right behind him.

"Don't put on the sweater and pants until we've done our nails, hair and faces," she spoke very matter-of-factly. You'll be too warm, and it will mess up your hair."

"Mom! I can't wear all that!" he cried with a sweeping gesture of his hand across the bed. "From the skin out, in girl's clothes?!?"

"Oh? Why not? You'll look fantastic in them. Just as you did when you fitted that dress. Besides, hasn't Trish ever played dress up with you? I'd be surprised if she hasn't. Twins have a secret yearning to look alike. Besides, it's all just family here," she reasoned, while using a wide-toothed comb that she had brought with her, to comb out the tangles in the dumb-founded boy's hair.

"But, but," Robin stammered as his curious alter ego muscled its way into his consciousness, "She'll laugh."

"Oh, want to bet? I bet you a week's pay that she'll be tickled pink and be crazy over her twin's appearance. In fact, I'll double the bet. If I'm wrong you get two weeks salary, if I'm right you owe me nothing."

Robin thought, "Aha! A challenge!! Well, nobody will dare or challenge ol'macho Robin Wilkes. Sure, why not? I could use the money and besides, it's only family! (Point! alter ego... game, set, match!)"

"You're on, sucker," he teased, earning himself a motherly cuff in the ear. He asked, "Do I have to wear everything-even the black."

His mother interrupted, "EVERYTHING!"